Our mission is to join parents in pointing kids to Jesus.
We take the teaching of our next generation very seriously. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (also repeated in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16).
Below are the weekly KidsTown activities available at Grace, each designed with your children’s safety and security in mind.
For all questions or to get in touch, click the links below:
4200 E 25th St. DES MOINES, IA 50317
Email: Pastor Brien (bbrough@gracehome.com)
Phone: (515) 265-0199 (M-F, 8:00AM-4:00PM)
Weekly Kids Ministry Activities
Sunday Morning - KidsTown Square
K-5th Grade
During 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM Services
Kids' Church meets every Sunday during both 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM services. The kids start out at an activity station of their choice (Legos, games, video games, toys, art, etc.) then move into a large-group session where they sing and have an interactive Bible lesson. We make use of The Gospel Project curriculum. Afterward, they divide up and go to their classrooms with their group leaders where they participate in a variety of activities for life application.
Sunday Evening - Thrive
K-5th Grade
6:00 PM to 7:15 PM
Thrive meets from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM during the school year. Thrive is an interactive Bible study time using music, games, and crafts to help children meditate on God’s Word and yield fruit. Using the songs we learn, kids will be given the opportunity to lead the congregation in worship a few times a year. Kids are welcome to join anytime! For questions click below.
Wednesday Evening - Awana
Awana (Age 3-5th Grade)
Nursery Care (Age 2 & Down
We meet for Awana from 6:45-8:15 PM during the school year. At Awana, we emphasize studying, memorizing, and living out God’s Word. The kids will also enjoy a weekly game time and occasional special events. The Awana leaders at Grace Church look forward to pointing the kids to Jesus!
Soar (Special Needs Ministry)
All Ages
Soar is our special-needs ministry at Grace for kids of all ages. It is geared toward kids who learn better in a different classroom setting where they have more freedom to move and make noise. This way, we can teach them God's Word in a format that is tailored to them.
Some Soar kids are able to stay in their main classroom, but have a one-on-one "buddy" to guide them.
Soar is offered on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in room ED105. Feel free to email Brien Brough with any questions by clicking below..
Newborns & Crawlers, Walkers, and 2-Year-Olds
Quality nursery care is provided on Sundays during both 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM services and from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM. Nursery care is also available from 6:45-8:15 PM on Wednesdays. Careful attention is given to provide a clean, well-staffed, loving and cheerful atmosphere where initial attitudes about God are formed. For questions, contact Wendy Mortensen.
Ages 3-5 (Not yet in Kindergarten)
Our Sunday preschool ministry is provided during both 8:30 and 10:00 AM services and during our Sunday evening activities from 6:00-7:15 PM. In class, the preschoolers are taught a Bible lesson, sing together, learn verses, do crafts, have a snack, and participate in organized playtime.
For questions, contact Teresa Wells.
Upcoming events
Kids' Winter Getaway
February 14-16
This unique weekend getaway is for 3rd-5th graders and gives them the opportunity to get to know one another better, as well as their leaders. Our greatest desire is that they will be drawn closer to Jesus.
Children’s Ministry Staff
Brien Brough
Children’s Pastor
Teresa Wells
Early Childhood Director
Devona Tarbell
Children’s Ministry Assistant
Wendy Mortensen
Nursery Coordinator