Men’s Ministry
Men’s ministry at Grace Church seeks to develop men to be servant leaders for their home, their church, and their world.
Community Groups: Community Groups provide the context for believers to relate to one another in all the ways the Bible calls them to. We encourage men to be involved in one of our Community Groups to follow Jesus with others.
Inspiring events: We aim to hold large events at least once a quarter.
Events to build relationships and have fun together.
Events that include topical teaching and discussions that range from finances to family leadership.
Events that involve outreach and service
Men’s Fight Club
Leaders: Bart Baker & Matt Sellers
Where: Grace Church - ED101-102
When: 6:30pm
“33 The Series: A Man & His Design, Training Guide"
Leader: Jerry Van Cleave
Where: Grace Church - WC114-115
When: March 26 – May 21
Description: The series is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth.
Upcoming Events
Super Man Saturday
February 1st from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Men, let's learn what it takes to be a Super Man!
We'll have two worship and teaching sessions, activities, and a chili cookoff for lunch.
The goal of this event is to encourage and equip you to be leaders God has called you to be at home, work and church.
If you'd like to be a contestant in the chili cook-off, please download the rules below and come prepared to win 1st place!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Ages: men and young men (6th grade and up)